Sunday, July 18, 2010

Computer parental controls

Our children's are at High risk ?

The Internet is a valuable tool and resource for young people to learn about their world, research new things and communicate with friends.However, it is also a dangerous place where sexual predators lurk, images of sex and violence are commonplace and criminals looking for personal information employ deceitful practices.

What is computer parental control?
Computer parental control is more like an agreement between a child and parent which allows parents to set boundaries providing safe and clean environment to our children.

 Wikipedia Quoted on computer parental control -
Parental controls provide parents with automated tools to help protect their children and set restrictions while using devices and services. These controls may include: alerting a parent when their child's device leaves school, limiting their car speed to a certain maximum speed, controlling the content which the child views on a device connected to the Internet, or limiting the amount of time they can use their device.

How easy is to set computer parental control?
First and foremost .the parents needs to spend some time to learn how to set parental control on your computer.Keep this in mind that children are born in computer age where they usually have more knowledge than parents.So we as parents needs to be updated.
Setting parental control includes conversation with your kids about possible harms of internet, installing internet filters,keeping stats of websites where they are more frequent.

Why do we need computer parental control ?
Internet is full of spammers and pedophiles,who are always looking to take advantage of our innocent children.Through the internet, anything can happen to include sexual abuse, pornography, and pedophiles. Some parties want to take advantages from an online world by finding the easy victims.Many children have been trapped in sexual abuse from the initial tactic chatting.

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