Thursday, August 12, 2010

how to set McAfee Parental Controls

Applying McAfee Parental Controls includes three sections:

1. User Settings: Includes settings for Image Filtering, Content Filtering, Allowed Web Sites, and the Web Browsing Time Limits schedule etc.

2. Filtered Web Sites: empowers you to block or allow specific web sites or webpages.

3.Keywords:Empowers you to enable or disable Keyword filtering and to easily define a list of Keywords by which you can easily filter web sites.

How to Configure User Account Settings:

1.Set User Account Information

2.After the Windows User Accounts have been created, you must set some basic information about each user:

3.Right-click the McAfee icon in your taskbar and select Open SecurityCenter.
4.Click Parental Controls.
5.Click Configure in the right pane.
6.Click Advanced.
7.Select the User Account you want to change and click Edit.

For each Limited User Account, you can define : Whether Image Filtering should be enabled or disabled.
The Content Rating for the User Account, based on the age of the user.
The hours and days that you want that user to be able to access the internet.

NOTE: The options for Administrator User accounts are limited to enabling or disabling Image Filtering.

Image Filtering onMcAfee
Image Filtering can be enabled or disabled for each account, and allows you to filter websites based on whether the images are inappropriate.

Setting a user's content rating group
A user can belong to one of the following content rating groups:

  • Young child
  • Child
  • Younger teen
  • Older teen
  • Adult

Setting a user's Web Browsing Time Limits
Green portions of the grid represent the days and times during which the user can access the Internet. Red portions of the grid represent the days and times during which access is denied.
Each grid denotes 30minutes time interval.

Click OK to save your changes and close the Edit User Account screen.

Create a list of Filtered Web Sites

The Filtered Web Sites list allows you to choose which websites you wish to explicitly block or allow sites.

Click Filtered Web Sites on the left pane.Type the URL of website to add it to the list.Select Allow or Block as required.To change a URL on the Filtered Web Sites list, highlight the URL, then type the updated URL into the text box at the bottom of the screen and click the Update button.For websites which have already been added to the Filtered Web Sites list, you can highlight the URL on the list and use the Block or Allow buttons to change the status of that URL. To remove a website from the list, highlight the URL and click the Remove button.

Create a list of keywords:
The Keywords screen allows you to enable or disable the keyword filtering for the McAfee Parental Controls and define a list of keywords to filter websites. Use the radio buttons to turn keyword filtering On or Off.

To add words to the list of keywords:Type the word of your choice in the box called Look For.Select the age category for the new word, and it will appear on the Word List.

Click OK to save your configuration changes.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Google chrome parental control with chrome extensions

Google search has a feature that lets you lock SafeSearch filtering. Google says that “SafeSearch screens for sites that contain explicit sexual content and deletes them from your search results”.

Till now Google chrome does not have parental control but i hope they will add them in the near future but there are some extension which binds with chrome to provide decent level of protection.Below i have mentioned some extensions which are good parental control extentions.

Google chrome parental control extensions for Google Chrome are :
1. StayFocusd
 StayFocusd is most downloaded Google chrome parental control extension that helps you stay focused on work by restricting the amount of time you can spend browsing time-wasting websites. Once your allotted time for the day has been used up, the sites you have blocked will be inaccessible for the rest of the day.


2. Google Blacklist
 This extension will block or mark unwanted Google results.
For example, when you don't like the results of (where you need to pay in order to read the answer to questions) you can block all results from this website by adding the URL '' to your blacklist.

3. Simple Profanity Filter
Simple Profanity Filter is a Google Chrome Extension that blocks profanity seen on websites and replaces it with asterisks.
- Perfect for users who are children or are offended by some language
- Easily customize the words to censor
- Filters most dynamic web content, such as YouTube comments


The tinyFilter extension is a tiny Web content filtering tool. As any other content filter, it uses predefined rules to filter a variety of Web sites. Additionally, tinyFilter provides a profanity filter to mask words that may be offensive to the user.

5. F Off!
 It's great for people who would like the power to choose what sort of language they consume on the web, or would like to make the web a cleaner place for their kids.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

How to set yahoo email parental controls

Yahoo! Parental Controls enables parents to place restrictions on what their children can do online and to know what their children are doing within those restrictions.

With Yahoo! Parental Controls, you can deny access to web sites of specific categories as well as to exact web sites. You can also restrict the people with whom your children communicate over Yahoo! Messenger or Yahoo! Mail to a list you approve. Each day, Yahoo! Parental Controls can enforce your decisions on when and for how long your child can connect to Yahoo! services.

You can also get feedback on what your children are doing online by setting up Yahoo! Parental Controls to send you a Report Card with each child's online activity for the past week, including the people to whom they send email or messages and the web sites they view.

Yahoo! Parental Controls also gives your children a means of negotiating with you. Your child can send you Permission Slips asking you to approve web sites they want to access or friends with whom they want to communicate.

Please read  Yahoo! Kids Parents Guide for more information and resources on safe surfing. To learn more about Yahoo! Family Accounts, see Yahoo! Family Accounts page.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Computer parental controls

Our children's are at High risk ?

The Internet is a valuable tool and resource for young people to learn about their world, research new things and communicate with friends.However, it is also a dangerous place where sexual predators lurk, images of sex and violence are commonplace and criminals looking for personal information employ deceitful practices.

What is computer parental control?
Computer parental control is more like an agreement between a child and parent which allows parents to set boundaries providing safe and clean environment to our children.

 Wikipedia Quoted on computer parental control -
Parental controls provide parents with automated tools to help protect their children and set restrictions while using devices and services. These controls may include: alerting a parent when their child's device leaves school, limiting their car speed to a certain maximum speed, controlling the content which the child views on a device connected to the Internet, or limiting the amount of time they can use their device.

How easy is to set computer parental control?
First and foremost .the parents needs to spend some time to learn how to set parental control on your computer.Keep this in mind that children are born in computer age where they usually have more knowledge than parents.So we as parents needs to be updated.
Setting parental control includes conversation with your kids about possible harms of internet, installing internet filters,keeping stats of websites where they are more frequent.

Why do we need computer parental control ?
Internet is full of spammers and pedophiles,who are always looking to take advantage of our innocent children.Through the internet, anything can happen to include sexual abuse, pornography, and pedophiles. Some parties want to take advantages from an online world by finding the easy victims.Many children have been trapped in sexual abuse from the initial tactic chatting.